Alison Hood
Coach/Facilitator, Canterbury
Alison is passionate about the happiness and productivity of people in the workplace and is skilled and talented at raising individual and team awareness to facilitate authentic conversations. She is particularly good at challenging and supporting ‘storming’ teams, and specialises in leadership and team development through blended learning, including coaching.
With a 30-year career in the L&D and OD space, Alison is very experienced at supporting CEOs and senior teams to invest in and grow their talent. She is equally experienced with working with first-line managers and supervisors. She has a track record of working with international organisations both in the private and public sector. Before moving to New Zealand in 2007, she held senior L&D and OD roles with Virgin Media, WH Smith, and Group 4 in the UK. Alison gained specific expertise in helping people through change in mergers and restructures, and designed and developed leading-edge leadership programmes for senior executives through to first line management audiences.
Latterly in her career, Alison has specialised in helping people to understand and develop their emotional intelligence or EQ, a cornerstone in good leadership and teamwork.
Clients consistently report that Alison is naturally adept at building trust quickly and therefore enabling people to get to the ‘heart of the matter’. She has considerable experience in diagnosing challenges within business, and designing workshops that are engaging and experiential with a focus on personal commitment to change. Alison is a voluntary member of an NFP board that supports her local community via wellbeing services.
Qualifications and Accreditations
- Bachelor of Arts Hons (Psychology and Linguistics)
- Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
- Talogy Global, Emotional Intelligence Profile
- Genos accredited practitioner (Emotional Intelligence tools)
- DISC Flow Trainer Certification
- DiSC Trainer Certification
- BPS Level A Psychometric testing
- Cattells 16PF Personality Indicator
- The Human Element®, based on Schutz’s FIRO theory
- GeneSys and Podium range of psychometric assessments
- Ken Blanchard's Situational Leadership II