Worried that your leaders are not inspiring, empowering and supporting their teams well enough?
Have you invested in leadership training but you're not seeing better team performance?
Are your people disengaged or not enjoying their experience as your employees?
Are their actions and capabilities not aligned to your Purpose, Vision, Values or Strategy?
It could be that you're not giving your leaders the tools they need to impact their teams - we can help you with that:
Purpose, Vision and Strategy
Working with your senior leaders to facilitate the development, communication and implementation of organisational purpose, vision and strategy so everyone has a shared sense of why you exist, where you’re headed, and how you’re going to get there.
Values and Behaviours
Using a co-creation process with your people to develop, communicate and implement a set of values that declare the principles, beliefs and ideals that are important to your organisation; with related behaviours that depict how employees will behave in order to bring the values to life.
Competency Framework
Facilitating the development, communication and implementation of a competency framework that sets out and defines the behaviours and skills required by individuals for them to be effective in their job; useful also in recruitment, performance management and when making training decisions.
Performance Management Process
Reviewing your existing performance management process or working alongside you to develop a new process that includes your values, behaviours and skills, and that enables regular coach-like conversations between leaders and their direct reports.
Engagement Surveys
Managing engagement surveys so you have insights into how well connected your people are to the organisation and then providing targeted interventions that change organisation culture and workplace climates.
Training Needs Analysis
Working with you to identify training needs and advising on appropriate solutions that will provide the best outcomes.
Providing a range of diagnostics and follow-up support to help people to develop self-awareness of existing strengths and capability, as well as identifying individual and aggregate development opportunities, eg 360o reviews, MBTI, Belbin Team Roles, DiSC, CliftonStrengths.
Evaluating your current learning initiatives, using our Kirkpatrick evaluation methodology, and reporting to you on the effectiveness of your own internal initiatives and those of your outside providers.