
Gay Pavelka


What do you do when confronted with people who emphatically disagree with you or each other? How do you respond to conflict in a way that acknowledges differences, creates collaborative discussions and results in a solution everyone can live with?  Being challenged and remaining effective in conflicts can be emotionally demanding without sufficient skills to give you confidence.

This workshop provides both a structure for understanding conflict and practical skills that make a difference so your future interventions can give results. You will gain increased confidence from learning and applying a range of approaches to turn challenging behaviour into objective or constructive discussions.

Learning Outcomes

Participation in this workshop will enable you to:

  • understand and diagnose the nature of the conflict
  • guide a discussion through the phases from problem to solution
  • apply practical tools that can increase confidence in responding to challenging behaviour.


  • Understanding the conflicts we work with
  • Steps to take discussions from conflict to cooperation
  • Skills to help people talk safely and build working relationships including:
    • finding common ground when we disagree with people
    • reframing  messages and the content of discussion from negative to constructive
    • how to say 'no' honestly and respectfully
    • being persuasive

I'm taking more time with my team members to explain the task from start to finish and encouraging them to do it themselves while supporting them throughout, making an effort to stay with them for as much time as possible until they are confident to do the task on their own.

Want to know more about this workshop? Let's chat.

  • You'll tell us about your business, your specific needs and the business results you hope to achieve.
  • We'll talk about how we can tailor this workshop content to meet your needs.
  • You can tell us about the delivery mode that will best suit your people.
  • We'll explain how we'll support your people to turn their learning into action.

So let's organise a chat. We just need a few details and we'll be in touch.