Michael Wix

Michael Wix

Coach/Consultant/Facilitator, Auckland

Michael’s signature work is enabling talented people and ambitious teams to achieve audacious goals. With 25 years of professional experience as a facilitator/coach/consultant in the team and leadership development space, his repeat clients include multicultural leadership teams at Mercedes-Benz, ARM, Apple, Nike, Nokia and many other exemplary organisations.

Michael graduated from The University of Auckland, began his career with Nokia, served proudly in Asia’s first experiential leadership and team development company, I Will Not Complain, contributed in significant development roles in a Fortune 500 organisation, and earned hard-won wisdom as an entrepreneur.

Fluent in Mandarin and with postgraduate qualifications in psychology and human resource management, Michael is a facilitator known for continually developing fresh, culturally-relevant learning methodologies and experiences that solve challenges and drive client results.

Outside of his work, he loves exploring the Great Wall of China with his family and enjoys ultra-distance endurance races.

Qualifications and Accreditations

  • Postgraduate Certificate in Psychology, University of Liverpool
  • Advanced Certificate in Strategic Human Resources, Cornell University
  • Bachelor of Commerce (Management Science and Information Systems), University of Auckland
  • Diploma in Sports Coaching, Beijing University of Physical Education
  • The Leadership Challenge Certified Workshop Facilitator and Certified Coach
  • The Leadership Practices Inventory Coach
  • Level 2 CQ (Cultural Intelligence) Certified Workshop Facilitator
  • EQ-i 2.0 and EQ-i 360 Emotional Intelligence Assessment Facilitator
  • Hogan HPI, HDS and MVPI Assessment Certification
  • Strategyzer Value Proposition Design and Business Model Generation Masterclass Graduate
  • IAC Accredited Coach Training Program Certification
  • Accredited Myers Briggs Type Inventory and Type in Teams Administrator
  • Celemi Business Simulations Certified Facilitator - Decision Base, Tango, The Medici Game, Enterprise, Performance
  • Lominger Leadership Architect 101, Voices 360 Feedback and Coaching
  • Team Diagnostic Survey Foundational Practitioner
  • NASA 4D System Certified Trainer

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